Kika addon broken

  • Sorry for writing in English, my German is still a work in progress

    The Kika addon has been broken for a few months now and I finally had a chance to check the [definition=12,0]debug[/definition] logs:

    Digging around in the configs it looks like the base URI is which does not appear to be valid any more.

    I believe I'm using the addon from but that project does not allow filing of issues.

    Any hints on where to get help on this?

  • Digging around in the configs it looks like the base URI is which does not appear to be valid any more.

    Yes, indeed.
    URL is no longer valid.
    If I don't find a replacement URL in finite time I have to abandon KIKA-Mediathek.

    As a replacement you can use ZDFtivi Mediathek or ZDF Mediathek (mobile contents).
    Is has exactly the same contents as KIKA.

    Vielleicht könnten wir auch mal einen Support Thread für die Gigathek Addons aufmachen.

    Dr Support-Thread wurde doch erst vor Kurzem von Dir höchstpersönlich geschlossen :)

  • Yes, indeed.URL is no longer valid.
    If I don't find a replacement URL in finite time I have to abandon KIKA-Mediathek.

    As a replacement you can use ZDFtivi Mediathek or ZDF Mediathek (mobile contents).
    Is has exactly the same contents as KIKA.

    Dr Support-Thread wurde doch erst vor Kurzem von Dir höchstpersönlich geschlossen :)

    Ja weil die Leute immer das alte Zeug von Sarbes installiert haben.
    Kannst gerne einen Thread für die Gigathek Addons aufmachen, finde super das du das weiterführst.

  • @supine: What about with the "Kika Plus" Addon? It's available for Krypton and up to Matrix. Available in our Kodinerds Addon Repository.

    AZi (DEV): Nexus auf LibreElec | Asrock J4205 | 4 GB RAM | 128 GB Sandisk| Rii mini
    DEV: PC Ubuntu 20.04 | Matrix
    AZi: Tanix TX3 | Android/CoreElec Dualboot (EMMC), Nexus
    WoZi: Nexus auf LibreElec | Asrock J4205 | 4GB RAM | 128 GB Sandisk SSD | Atric IR | URC7960

    NAS: unRaid, 3x6TB, 2x12TB | TV-Server: Futro S550 mit Hauppauge QuadHD DVB-C

  • KiKa-Mediathek should be OK now.

    Thanks for taking a look so quickly.

    For some reason nothing was updating, took a reinstall of the repo to get it going again. ?(

    While I can now browse shows the videos don't play. Tried a couple of different shows but they all produce a similar error:

    2021-06-22 21:50:47.403 T:1915835312  NOTICE: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: plugin://
    2021-06-22 21:50:47.406 T:1478484192  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    2021-06-22 21:50:47.408 T:1478484192   ERROR: IAddonInstanceHandler::CreateInstance: inputstream.adaptive returned bad status "Permanent failure" during instance creation
    2021-06-22 21:50:47.409 T:1478484192   ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [plugin://]
    2021-06-22 21:50:47.409 T:1478484192  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    2021-06-22 21:50:47.619 T:1915835312  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    2021-06-22 21:50:47.619 T:1915835312  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    2021-06-22 21:50:47.619 T:1915835312  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
  • Anyway, KiKa-Mediathek is not in my focus, so it might be better for you to stick with the mentioned "Kika Plus" Addon.

    We've tried Kika Plus but the kids are bit confused by the menu hierarchy. I've at least got their regular shows into favourites.

    Also, I was struggling to install zdftivi because of:

    2021-06-22 22:18:15.456 T:1113420000   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for
    2021-06-22 22:18:15.457 T:1113420000   ERROR: CAddonInstallJob[]: failed to download special://home/addons/packages/

    Looks like the version needs bumping in the repo xml…addons.xml#L216

  • While I can now browse shows the videos don't play. Tried a couple of different shows but they all produce a similar error:

    I tried a few videos and the all played well.
    Also the video you mentioned played well, which is "logo! Die Welt und ich. - logo! am Montagabend".

    Maybe you should acticate the addon setting "Ignore adaptive streams if possible", because it seems your inputstream.adaptive has some problems.

    Also, I was struggling to install zdftivi.
    Looks like the version needs bumping in the repo xml…addons.xml#L216

    Sorry, my fault.
    Should be OK now.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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