Kodi versions for MySQL sharing

  • I'm running the 32 bit version of Kodi 18.4 on two different Fire TV boxes (a gen2 and a gen3). I wasn't sure if I had to install the 32 bit version on my Windows 10 machine that runs the MySQL server. I did get it up and running correctly, but after I scanned a bunch of files into the library, all of a sudden Kodi is crashing on my Windows machine.
    I'm wondering if I should have installed the 64 bit version on my Windows machine or if that would even work with my sql shared database? I'm going to reinstall Kodi on my PC either way. I just want to know if the 64 bit version will work okay with the 32 bit versions on my Fire TVs.
    Edit: I figured out what was causing Kodi to crash on my PC. I installed v18.4 over top of v16.1 and it was using an old TheTVDB scraper that caused the program to freeze completely every time it tried to update the TV shows. I did a clean install of everything (even the sql server) and noticed that Kodi v18.4 doesn’t come with a TheTVDB scraper at all. So I’m just using The Movie Database scraper for my TV shows for the time being. It seems to be working okay now but I haven’t tested the Fire TVs yet. And I decided to try the 64 bit version of Kodi on my PC. I’ll update again once the library scan is done and I test out the Fire TVs.

  • For the usage of MySQL you don't need to care if it's 32 or 64bit. The most important thing for MySQL is, that all Kodi major version numbers are the same. Sou you have to use Kodi 18.x on all of your clients.

    TheTVDB can be installed as an additional scraper. At some point we (TeamKodi) decided to swith to TheMovieDatabase for tv-shows as well, because TVDB had some problems in the past. Generally you can use them both, but TheMovieDatabase is shipped by default.

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