INFO[08/16 14:51 214] Custom interface "eth0" will be used. INFO[08/16 14:51 230] Custom Zattoo server "1und1-fra1902-1" will be used. INFO[08/16 14:51 246] Use custom ffmpeg library path "/storage/.kodi/addons/tools.ffmpeg-tools/bin/ffmpeg" INFO[08/16 14:51 254] Custom port "8180" will be used. INFO[08/16 14:51 257] Youth protection pin will be used to request channel playlists. INFO[08/16 14:51 376] YOUR DEFAULT SETTINGS PLATFORM: hls5 BANDWIDTH:8000 PROFILE:1 LOGLEVEL: fatal IGN_MAX:false ERROR[08/16 14:51 819] Unable to parse apptoken json data (trying old apptoken method now...) INFO[08/16 14:51 943] LOGIN OK! INFO[08/16 14:51 1010] YOUR ACCOUNT TYPE: RESELLER ==== API STARTED! ==== Host IP address: 1xx.1xx.xx.xx:8180