Posts by p750mmx-HM


    Mal ganz allgemein: Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die Box vom Hersteller unter ATV12 Beta nicht ausreichend selbst getestet wird, sondern der sich bei der Fehlerfindung auf Testgruppen verlässt, in denen allerdings viele Nerds die Probleme lieber gleich selbst "lösen" wollen, als die auftretenden Probleme vernünftig zu melden. So kann das natürlich nichts werden, zumindest nicht zeitnah.


    You are so wrong with this assumption, but you can't know of-course. If there is anyone to blame there are only two. AmLogic and Sei Robotics. You should see the Google sheet that is filled over the last years with bug reports and other things that were wrong, over and over again. Solving one bug, creating two others. And the major problem lies in the fact that Homatics Audio Product related stuff is put in the builds (HomeClick, MiniBar and even for Sound&Sound), creating lots of extra issues. But they don't want to let that go, there must be one general build for the (Dune) R Plus that can be used as standalone or in combination with those audio products.

    But maybe us "nerds" should stop with Alpha testing and bug report in general, let's see how "good" the newer build will get [af]

    Indeed, she's provided it to me, too. :)

    After one week of testing v12.8.6557 I can sum up that almost all of my issues (video playback stuttering being the worst) have been sorted out, even power management (standby) is working now. I had always kept that enabled (15 minutes, electrical energy is very expensive in Germany ;)).
    Sometimes USB storage is not recognized after resume from standby or restart, or it just disappears when idling, but that affects the USB 3.0 port only, the USB 2.0 port is working reliably.

    Finally the box is a worthy upgrade from my Fire TV Stick (2017). Fortunately no need for CE any longer which I had avoided before.

    I knew this build would make you happy ;)

    Did you already try to enable Developer options and activate USB Host?

    The AmLogic testbuild is shared now for Alpha group, several days ago already. The results are looking very promising, till now, no user on that build got the framerate/subtitle issue. I'm on 8 complete movies now, several of those gave me the issues before. Testing with Kodi 21.0.1, but when solved for Kodi, it will be solved for the other players as well I guess. They did not share what they have done as fix.

    As a followup, we got a new build last Friday with the patch implemented (build 6557). This is the one that could go to open beta users maybe. Next week will make that clear. Not sure what Homatics wants with this build for other users.

    So this part is done, and so am I now in this group. Hope everyone will get a newer build sooner or later ;)


    Das ist ein Lizenz Ding. Du brauchst eine Version von der Nvidia shield. Wobei mir nicht ganz klar ist , ob die Dune die so einfach schluckt wegen 64bit. Die Dune ist nur 32bit. Hab ich jedenfalls in der Telegramm Gruppe gelesen. Dort kann man sie auch bekommen wenn du danach fragst. Sag aber du hast eine Homatics. Als Dune Besitzer wirst dort gesteinigt.

    Kannst auch versuchen die von deinem TV zu extrahieren und dann per sideload auf die Dune. Die originale aber vorher deinstallieren.

    Get the latest FireTV version, that works just fine and will give Disney Atmos.


    Last week the SEI/AmLogic Development department confirmed the framerate problem with local media streaming as an existing issue and they could even reproduce it caused by a subtitle being active (of-course they could, but they never really tried it before).

    Now lets hope they can fix it completely with a next test build. Fingers crossed there will be a new internal testbuild this coming week(s).

    The AmLogic testbuild is shared now for Alpha group, several days ago already. The results are looking very promising, till now, no user on that build got the framerate/subtitle issue. I'm on 8 complete movies now, several of those gave me the issues before. Testing with Kodi 21.0.1, but when solved for Kodi, it will be solved for the other players as well I guess. They did not share what they have done as fix.

    Das Problem resultiert (vermutlich auch bei dir) aus dem Einbrechen der Framerate.

    Bitte ab hier lesen für Details:

    May 15, 2024 at 2:38 PM


    Last week the SEI/AmLogic Development department confirmed the framerate problem with local media streaming as an existing issue and they could even reproduce it caused by a subtitle being active (of-course they could, but they never really tried it before).

    Now lets hope they can fix it completely with a next test build. Fingers crossed there will be a new internal testbuild this coming week(s).

    Hallo zusammen,
    ich hätte mal eine Frage an die Besitzer einer Homatics Box R 4k Plus.
    Ich würde an die Box gerne eine USB-HDD anschließend und anschließend über meinen PC, z.B. per FTP, Dateien (Bilder, Musik, Videos) auf die USB-HDD kopieren und anschließend über die Homatics Box R 4k Plus abspielen.
    Funktioniert das? Über welche wege könnte ich auf die USB-HDD zugreifen?

    I answered you on this on ASV forum. You asked it there also, correct?

    Can't wait to hear your results!

    Bad news, nothing solved for us. I already had a suspicion the new build would not change anything, but I had hope.

    The fix was requested for MagentaTV, but the most recent firmware for that SEI804DT device is Firmware V12.8.4954, and the major fix for audio and framerate (what Dune users still can experience with 5221 as being there), came for Homatics R Plus users with beta build 5394. So I had a bad feeling anything would change in a positive way.

    Now the MagentaTV box SEI804DT got the fix shared that I (and others) already had, but they still will have the same issue we have now, still framerate related, just not as bad as before. Hopefully they gonna complain again in a while, because I think, I will be ignored, again X/

    This could be fixed for me already, because with beta build 5394 audio and video issues were addressed. Big difference as I notice. Can't say for sure if what you get also is solved now.

    A reason why not all people perceive the stutter on their TV could be the (default) activation of features like 'Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation (MEMC)'.
    Cinema purists and video image quality fetishists refuse to use those.
    If Homatics people evaluated the issue on a TV with enhancers to reduce motion artifacts enabled instead of a PC monitor for example it would kill me! :D

    Even with all those "fantastic" picture enhancements, this is noticeable, it can't NOT be seen.

    But guess what. There were more complaints about this. Coming from a German company using also the SEI804, and did go straight to AmLogic about this.

    So AmLogic provides a patch and if all goes well, I get this one tomorrow. So let's see what that one brings. Still a shame that my complaints were ignored about it, but he, if the issue is fixed, great.

    Thats why i said it would be good to describe a test situation that others can try to explicitly reproduce.

    It doesn't matter now, it is not picked up as a problem, so it will not go to SEI/AmLogic as a problem now. But when you are on a 5221 build, you can't test it.

    To be clear, build 5221, shared as Stable V12 for Dune R Plus and now also for Homatics R Plus, has bigger issues, not only on major framerate collapsing but also audio cutouts. That is almost addressed completely now with beta build 5394 (and higher), but can only be used on a original Homatics box as there is no beta sharing for Dune users.

    So audio cutouts is fixed (still in 5221), to test, there is a Deadpool sample with Atmos in TrueHD were the sound cutouts completely at the explosion moment (as reference).

    And the "old" framerate collapsing is also addressed (still in build 5221). But this one I'm talking about I still see now, is not solved, and now, will not be solved, was the reply from Homatics, as there is nothing wrong with it.

    You're right. Apparently people are mixing up two totally different things when it comes to the subs/stutter topic as can be seen here (where you will find posts of the same user "monsoons"):

    You can have stutter at that very moment when the subs are actually appearing. But this is not our issue.
    And you can have randomly occurring stutter caused (potentially) by subs even when when they are actually not being displayed. This is what we're talking about.
    I was a little befuddled when I read through that thread.
    Let's hope that Homatics/Kodi devs don't confuse these two things either and aren't looking for stutter just then when subs are being displayed. ;)

    And sometimes it is really amazing what kind of medicine people are recommending: Disable hardware acceleration. WTF?!

    The working workaround (restore framerate to smooth playing by disabling/enabling subs without stopping the playback) looks like doing a "renice" on running processes manually. So Homatics/Kodi devs might have a look at process priorities.

    I shared several samples now with Ella to share with other Homatics employees, but they don't see anything wrong with it. Nothing wrong, so nothing to fix also.

    So I made an appointment with my doctor to check my eyes, and brain :/

    Shouldn't that stutter be there from the beginning when that can cause an issue? And why with other players also (Vimu, Plex, others), they use another "engine" for media playing.

    I experimented with lots of Kodi settings, and I also tried older versions of Kodi (back to 19 & 20), but with those, the same thing happens. I have put many many hours with so much different settings, just to find something to make it better. And now I have, but it is no solution, using no sub. But the relation is with that it looks like. Maybe not the sub itself, but system wise I mean.

    I know your not on Telegram, but Ella shared your reactions with me, and I asked for this forum link, and I said to her I would join this topic (because of you ;) ), and to keep her posted.

    I've tested Avatar FHD IMAX with lots of PGS forced subs for the alien language. Right in the middle of the movie (a little earlier than expected this time) the stutter occurs. The player UI would allow me to deactivate forced subs during playback but they were still displayed. Stopping playback and restarting Kodi let me continue without stutters.
    Subs could indeed be the cause of the issue. It can be reproduced easily imho.

    There's still hope. The Dune HD Media Center seems to have similar problems on ATV12. And their premium version of the box with 2.5" HDD rack is meant for playback of local media. If they can sort it out without a firmware fix Kodi devs will be able, too - some day.
    Otherwise, if a firmware fix is required Dune HD will turn to their OEM partner for sure.

    Well, let them complain about it at SEI Robotics and/or AmLogic, maybe more pressure on this will make them try.

    I shared another sample with Ella but the reply was, their inhouse "tester" didn't see anything wrong with it. The members in the closed Homatics testgroup did see it. I even shared a longer sample this afternoon in which it is so clear to see, and also when disabling the embedded subtitle during play, it straight goes to smooth playing.

    For now, I'm done with reporting on this. If they don't pick it up as a problem, so be it 🤷

    Good idea! Just checked the PGS forced subs. They can't be deactivated in Kodi Omega (any more)?! WTF?! Verified that deactivating is yet possible with other player apps on my PC.

    I'm keeping FHD stuff (AVC/HEVC) only to save disk space. Currently I don't have hands on any local 4K videos.

    I've uninstalled or disabled preinstalled apps for testing purpose.
    Moreover I've already tried and set the background process limit to 'no background process' in developer options, without positive effect. (The setting is temporary and valid till next reboot only.)

    I tested The Martian 4k high bitrate movie with PGS subs in it. I could disable that in Kodi 21.x Final. Framerate restored directly after disabling. I also tested the same movie using a external SRT, framerate went down, disabled the external SRT and framerate restored.

    Edit: just now. Another movie tried in Kodi 21.x Final, the 4k Atmos in TrueHD version of Godzilla Minus One 2023. Far in the movie, after ~ 1 hour and 30 minutes, framerate not stable anymore. Let it play for a while to see if it would get better, it did not. Disabled the internal Eng. sub and replay restored almost directly.

    I shared some video samples with Ella (again), showing the distorted framerate and how it restored after disabling the subtitle. This is my last attempt to get a DEV to work on it. If that doesn't happen, it will not be fixed I'm afraid.